Middle States Self-Study 2025-2027

Clarkson University has begun the Self-Study process for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) re-accreditation process, guided by the analysis of each of seven standards prioritized by the commission by their importance in higher education.
This periodic re-accreditation process is Clarkson’s opportunity to engage in a comprehensive and reflective assessment process, and to evaluate continuous improvement within the context of institutional mission and goals.
- Advance Clarkson’s distinctive STEM education that encompasses all aspects of its students’ learning experience.
- Support enrollment and student engagement across the Clarkson community.
- Achieve financial stability and steward resources in support of mission.
- To demonstrate that Clarkson University meets MSCHE’s Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation so that its accreditation is reaffirmed.*
- To provide data and analysis to inform the university’s strategic thinking.
- To implement an actively maintained comprehensive data and document warehouse to facilitate transparent, mission-centric, and data-based decision-making across all areas of the university.
- To launch a sustainable, integrated institutional effectiveness assessment and continuous improvement process across all areas of the university.*
- To have a self-study process that is open, transparent, and deliberately participative and inclusive.*
(* identifies the outcome as one of Middle States three required outcomes)
Core Committee Executive Team Co-Chairs
Jerry Gravander, Accreditation Liaison Officer and Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Arts, Culture, and Technology
Amanda Pickering, Co-Chair and Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs & Student Achievement
Holly Sypniewski, Co-Chair and Professor, Department of Arts, Culture, and Technology
MSCHE Standard/Working Group Co-Chairs
Standard I Mission & Goals; Standard VI Planning, Resource, and Institutional Improvement
Regis Quirin, Director of Budgets & Planning
Gasper Sekelj, Assistant Professor, Economics & Financial Studies
Standard II Ethics & Integrity; Standard VII Governance, Leadership,and Administration
Kevin Fite, Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Jerry Gravander, Distinguished Professor, Arts, Culture, & Technology
Standard IV Support of the Student Experience
Laurel Kane, Director of Athletics
Marjorie Warden, Director of the Higher Education Opportunity Program; the Community of Underrepresented Professional Opportunities
Standard III Design & Delivery of the Student Learning Experience, Standard V Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Laura Perry, Director of Academic Technology and Support
Holly Sypniewski, Professor, Arts, Culture, & Technology
Evidence Inventory
Jasmine Johnson, Director of Institutional Research
Amanda Pickering, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs & Student Achievement
(Working Group members TBA)